
ACHAKA CONSEILS offers you comprehensive expertise throughout the life cycle of your rights, from acquisition to defense. Find out how we can help you optimize your industrial property strategies and protect your innovative assets.

Upstream: Audit, Negotiate, Protect

IP audit, analysis and determination of your needs
Assistance in negotiating IP clauses for your contracts with third parties
Setting up confidentiality agreements
Freedom to operate studies
Prior art search (patent, trademark)
Patentability studies
IP strategy
Assistance in obtaining grants to finance IP

During : Write, Manage, Monitor

Drafting patent/utility certificate applications
Management of patent procedures, from filing to grant, in France and abroad
Maintenance of titles (management, payment of annuities)
Technology watch, monitoring in the field of your inventions
Soleau envelope filing
Trademark / design registration

Downstream: Defend, Monitor, Assist

Defending your rights (formal notice)
Follow-up of patent opposition proceedings in France/Europe
Technical assistance in patent-related legal proceedings (Invalidity, Infringement)
Technical assistance in patent-related infringement seizures

We invite you to make an appointment for a personalized consultation, during which we can discuss your specific needs and develop a strategy tailored to your situation. Whether you are considering a proactive approach to acquiring rights, actively managing your titles, or effectively defending your rights, we are here to support you.

Book an appointment

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you to ensure the success and protection of your assets.

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